Sunday, May 19Australian Lifestyle Blogs

6 Best Exercises for Men

One of the reasons why men want a personal trainer is because they want to work out the right way. Developing strength is one of the goals, along with building the most attractive muscles for the conventional masculine physique. Because truth be told, there are a lot of exercises that can be done out there and not every single one can be great. 

When you only have an hour or two in the gym, you want to ensure every rep and set is worth it. And that begins with doing the right kind of exercise. While women like to grow their butt and tone their abs, men have it different. It’s all about bulking the upper body while significantly growing the rest of the body as well.

Arnold mentioned in an interview to make sure that your diet also complements your workout. This means that if you are working out on strength training exercises to gain muscles then you also need to eat enough protein and calories to provide the right nutrition to your muscles. You can also see Arnold’s diet and what he eats on a day-to-day basis.

If you want to achieve that, here are the exercises you should be doing. 


No gym is complete without that guy that does the deadlift. However, it is common for a reason. As a man, the deadlift is the best exercise you could do. It activates every major muscle desirable for every male physique, namely the shoulders, back, arms, core, legs, and butt. 

Since it activates a wide array of muscles, it barely leaves anything out, so you are guaranteed to have a uniform physique. In addition, when all of your muscles are growing, you are improving your practical strength. 

Also, keep in mind that every compound exercise is great for burning fat. So, with that in mind, you no longer have to spend too much time on the treadmill or any cardio workout just to trim those love handles. 

Back Squat

If you want to put more load on the lower half of your body, the best exercise to consider is the back squat. Both your butt and legs are activated, but it doesn’t forget the rest of your body as well. So, just like the deadlift, it is creating a uniform physique.

Since this is a compound exercise, you are burning a lot of fat in the process. This time, since it requires more cardiovascular involvement, it is much more effective in fat burning than the deadlift. So, say goodbye to the treadmill. That’s one exercise off your routine.

Bench Press

This is every man’s favourite exercise and for good reason. It mainly targets the chest, which makes up an attractive male physique. Though, it also activates the arms and shoulders for a uniformly bigger upper body that every man loves to have. 

However, the key thing to remember here is that it is a fairly easy exercise to perform. You are able to isolate the stress of the weight on your muscle, allowing you to lift heavy and effectively. In no time, you are going to see some improvement, both in terms of strength and aesthetics.


A big back is also something every man wants, but it is a muscle group that is quite hard to hit. In most cases, you are targeting other muscle groups as well and they end up getting exhausted first instead of the back itself. 

If you want to effectively grow it, you are better off doing pull-ups. While you may still be activating a lot of muscles, those are the ones that will help you develop a bigger upper body. Also, the main contributor to this exercise is your entire back.

Farmer’s Walk

The farmer’s walk is done by holding on to two heavyweights and walking a certain distance. While it may seem easy, your entire body takes a huge toll, from your upper body all the way down to your legs. It is a strong compound exercise that not only develops practical strength and muscular growth for aesthetics, it is also a strong fat burner.


Barbell Overhead Press

Your upper body can greatly benefit from a barbell overhead press. The load mainly rests on your shoulders and arms, but you are able to pull some strength from your chest and abdomen when needed. So, you are able to work your upper body up to the very last breath to maximize growth stimulus.


Great Exercise Comes with Great Responsibility

Even if these are the best exercises, it is still important to supplement them with isolated exercises. Your workout combination will ultimately dictate the strength and aesthetic you create. 

However, as long as you are performing these six exercises properly, you are bound to be on a path to a better physique. Sometimes, it is all that you need to get started and improve your overall health and strength. So, when you are looking at where to begin or what to concentrate on, these six exercises should be your main go-to.

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